today.......i missed her again
but i cant talk to her.......
because i promised to wont interfere........
and neither she did tried.....contacting......
the paper was all bad.......
second all.........
it is a fact......if she is not with me.....
or i fight with her........
the next day......just everything bad ......engulfs me......till the end of that day.......
my life......changed since she came......
something good used to happened ......if by chance anything bad happened was all by my own mistake
and usually it used to be in her absence........
i don't want her ........just because she is lucky for me......
or just because she brings happiness to life......
and not only because she bears me.....
not only because......she makes me feel alive .......
its just one good reason and that is ...because.........i love her.......
i feel that she completes me.......and my life.
there is a story.......behind that.....
i would share .......something no-one knows about ........except me
i have kept that to myself.........
something after which .....i wouldn't want to be in her life......anymore
because.....if she loved me........she didn't required any reasons......problems......or grudges
To make her realize that she doesn't......and my love unable to make her realize ....that she does
i would go the memory
to the girl........whom i dreamed of .......
she wished that i should for her in this world.......
many people of me.......when i used to tell them this......
but its their own perception........which i can't control..............
i did made my way back into that day
when that girl......turned ......
it was ankious
the feeling of being .......back again
was hurtfull.........
this time.....but .it was real
and i did my best ....though.....i am regarded as unfaithful
for being honest ...and....hurting in trying to be honest.............
no one uncovers .....its life i did.......
like a transparent look
like u are with me yourself........
she came and sat next to me.......
she cud see my eyes full of the pain , i had.......
all because of her.......
which she doesn't wanted to hear about.........
why never let me be a part of your life ?
......she asked
at first , i had no answer at all........
too much was going on my mind.........
me ?
not letting you ?
its not me
its you ........
you don't want to be in a relationship
u don't care about my love and feelings for you........
but when i started.......
it all came a different answer to it.........
the answer that hide itself .......under the layers of lies........
it was not me.......seriously
i tried show you life had
i had a way win over your heart ......and don't tell u anything .....about it
like others used to guide me to follow......once which i used to give them........
but i chose be truthful.......because.......i knew you were meant to be.......
as soon as .......i started telling u about me.....
as i came closer to your heart.......the feeling grew inside me.........
i gave you all the possibilities ........of what could it be.......
with or without me...
sometimes .......felt weak ......when everything at once .....had gone against me.....
you and everything.......
some thoughts .......did arised that made me think of un-usuals......thinking of as if i was not meant to be with you
its all rubbish..i used to say ..and end it .saying ..i had nothing that could let you stay......but it was too much to give you way........
i cursed ......myself ......for being such wise......
not hearing other people.......who stopped me from point to point and time.....
to be not so much open about my life.........
but something drived me......
maybe it was ......i had for you.......
i still love you....
the possibilities that .......drived me this day with u
scared u ......too much .......that u chose to leave......
maybe you never understood
the thing that scared u off .......meant survival for someone....
i hoped ........they did turned for some good........
i still hope.....u would comeback someday......... love me one day.......
but i am not sure....will i live ? see that day.......
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